Bò Viên
Chinese culinary influence shaped these bouncy meatballs that are typically served in pho in Vietnam. The meat (typically beef, but sometimes pork or chicken) is chopped to a wet paste, then cooked into a springy ball. Perfect in a hot bowl of pho with plenty of noodles or served with chili sauce as an appetizer.
1⁄4 c. + 1 Tbsp. Vietnamese fish sauce (nuoc mam)
1 Tbsp. + 1 tsp. potato starch
1 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. sugar
1⁄4 tsp. fresh ground white pepper
2 lbs. trimmed boneless beef shank
4 cloves garlic (crushed)
1 tsp. oriental sesame oil
1⁄4 c. vegetable oil (for shaping meatballs)
In a shallow dish, mix fish sauce, potato starch, baking powder, sugar and white pepper. Slice meat into 1/8” thick pieces. Add to marinade and mix well. Cover and refrigerate for at least 4 hours, or overnight. Remove from refrigerator and transfer to the freezer for 30 minutes. In a food processor, combine half of the beef with half of the garlic and sesame oil. Work with only half at a time and don’t overfill the work bowl. Process to a completely smooth but stiff paste, about 3 minutes, stopping to scrape down sides occasionally. Completed paste should be springy to the touch. Transfer paste to a bowl, and process remaining beef, garlic and sesame oil the same way. Use vegetable oil to rub on hands for shaping meatballs. Grab meat paste by the handful and close your hand into a fist, then squeeze out small portions, about 1 teaspoon each, between your thumb and index finger. Roll each portion into smooth rounded balls and scoop out with an oiled spoon, repeating until all paste is used. Pour 1” of water into a wok or wide pot, place steamer rack or bamboo steamer over water. Arrange meatballs without crowding in a single layer on rack. Cover and steam for 5 minutes. Add to a well-seasoned beef broth, with or without noodles, sprinkled with chopped scallions and white pepper to serve as soup, or serve accompanied by chili sauce for an appetizer.