Margie Stockton is known to her clients and colleagues alike as the best of the best. A 35-year member of the Atlanta Multi-Million Dollar Sales Club, she forged a mega-successful real estate career and led her team to number one status in 2015 with Harry Norman, Realtors. She has called Sea Island and St. Simons her second home for 40 years. Now Margie is making St. Simons her residence, and brings her professional expertise to the Georgia coast! As she says, “the homes are different, but the secrets to a successful sale are the same—strong marketing, local knowledge, intense networking and expert negotiating.” Harry Norman and Margie bring a powerful value proposition to the Golden Isles— Atlanta connections and global exposure through Christies International Real Estate, Luxury Portfolio and Who’s Who in Luxury Real Estate. We welcome her to our islands and marshes of Glynn. You can reach Margie at 404.317.3212 or