"The Adventures of Tom Sawyer: Facts Behind the Fiction" - The Big Read 2016 Keynote Address by Cindy Lovell
Golden Isles Arts & Humanities - The Ritz Theatre 1530 Newcastle St., Brunswick, Georgia 31520
Cindy Lovell, the Executive Director of the Mark Twain House & Museum in Hartford, CT, will give the keynote address for The Big Read: Coastal GA Reads The Adventures of Tom Sawyer on Tuesday, February 9, 2016 at 7 pm at the Historic Ritz Theatre.
Ms. Lovell’s talk is entitled The Adventures of Tom Sawyer: Facts Behind the Fiction. The illustrated lecture will show images from Hannibal, MO, where Twain grew up, that are reflected in Tom Sawyer as well as discussing the biographical details that Twain incorporated into his novel: his childhood friends and adventures and some of the real events from his life in Hannibal.
A self-proclaimed “Twainic,” Ms. Lovell previously served as the executive director of the Mark Twain Boyhood Home & Museum in Hannibal, Missouri. She holds a BA and MA from Stetson University and a Ph.D. from the University of Iowa. She writes articles and books and most recently, wrote and co-produced with Grammy Award-winner Carl Jackson, Mark Twain: Words & Music, a double-CD telling Twain’s life in spoken word and song and featuring such artists as Jimmy Buffett, Garrison Keillor, Clint Eastwood and Emmylou Harris.
Don’t miss the opportunity to get the facts behind the fiction on Tom Sawyer and other great information about American author and humorist, Mark Twain.
In addition to her keynote address, Ms. Lovell will be in the area for the entire week and will be speaking on a variety of Twain Topics at a variety of locations. On February 9th at 10:30 am, The Literary Guild of St Simons Island will host her at the Casino Theatre for a talk on Twain the World Traveler; Wednesday, February 10 at 12 noon at the College of Coastal GA’s Stembler Theatre, her talk will be Ten Things You (Probably) Don’t Know About Mark Twain; she will repeat this lecture at the Brunswick Library on February 11 at 12 noon. And Thursday February 11 at 6:30 pm, she will share more Twain knowledge at the Ida Hilton Library in Darien.