Signature selection, signature style, signature service.
While up-to-the-minute shades and designer selection are refreshed with every season, Gentlemen's and Lady Outfitters superb service remains their anchor in the Golden Isles. Stop in today to peruse this season’s new offerings, and see what they mean when they say, “We do Southern… proper.”
Brands carried at Outfitters: Southern Proper, Southern Tide, Polo Ralph Lauren, Polo Golf, Vineyard Vines, Bills Khakis, Columbia, Coast, Southern Point, Southern Marsh, State Traditions, Sperry, Smathers and Branson, Martin Dingman, Just Madras, Costa Del Mar, Ray Ban, Oakley, Maui Jim, New Balance, Vibram Five Fingers, Asics, Nike, Toms, Cole Haan, Brighton, Spartina 449, Cape Madras, Mee Too, Alegria, Anne Klein, Big Buddha, and more!